Exclusive Content from Hunter's Tomb Raider Tales

This new site page allows easy access to all of the new site features on Hunter's Tomb Raider Tales. Click on the item you'd like to look at to visit the page. 

*More features added frequently!*

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: How to Write a Tomb Raider Tale

This exclusive site interview features tips, tricks, and experiences that the authors of the officially published Tomb Raider novels were so kind as to share with us. Want to write your own Tomb Raider adventure? Look no further than this exclusive guide!


Published Tomb Raider Books

In this page, you will read about some of the books written based off the hit series, Tomb Raider, from novels to comics, and everything in between, you will read about these different books and find where you can pick up a copy yourself! The adventure continues far beyond the games in these exciting new books!


Lara's Travel Guide (In Progress)

Interested in learning about the REAL locations Lara Croft has visited? Follow these new series of articles or videos, depending on your preference, complete with facts and images, to see the real locales and learn about the real legends.